I selected the Forgot Your Password? link on the login page; ZiftONE displayed the notice Success! Recovery Instructions Emailed but I did not receive the email.
If you didn't receive the email, it may be due to restrictions in your internal email system.
Check Junk/Spam folder
Password Reset emails usually arrive immediately to your inbox. The first step to troubleshoot delivery is to check if the email has been delivered to your Junk/Spam folder.
Whitelist ZiftONE email addresses
If you haven’t received the Password Reset email, we suggest that you whitelist to ensure that it isn’t blocked by a company email filter. A whitelist is a list of addresses that are classed as approved senders.
These sender email addresses may be sending the email messages - check with your supplier for the correct sender email address to whitelist.
ZiftONE’s mailed-by address bounce.zift123.com and the sender email address
ZiftONE’s aliases for Password Reset emails: notification@ziftsolutions.com
Password Reset emails may also come from your supplier’s email address
Whitelists can also be managed at the server level, with some networks blocking emails from unapproved services. Consider asking your network administrator to arrange the whitelist.
Once you have whitelisted, use the Forgot Your Password? link on the portal login page to request a new Password Reset email.
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