Viewing MDF Funds

To get information on MDF funds available to you:

  1. Navigate to the Funding Details page in your partner portal. The page lists all funds that your supplier has made available to you.


  2. Filter the view by Fund Source to find the fund you want to view. The fund sources will vary by supplier and partner.
  3. Click Sync Available Funds to update the funds.
  4. Each Fund Source displays this information:
    • Fund Name: The name of the fund, as named by your supplier.
    • Allocations: The total amount allocated to you in this fund by your supplier.
    • Entry Deadline: The last date on which you can use the fund.
    • Claim Due Date: The last date on which you can submit a claim against this fund.
    • Paid: The amount already paid from this fund.
    • Available Balance: The amount left to spend.
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