Once you have completed the prerequisites for a Funnel, follow the steps below to create a new one:
Important Note
If you are not able to complete all of the steps in one sitting, when you return to the set-up at a later date you may need to re-enter your CRM credentials again in Step 1: Connect before proceeding to the next steps.
Navigate to > Settings.
Select Funnels in the left-hand sidebar.
Click Create new Funnel.
Follow the multi-step process to set up your Funnel.
Note: Once you've selected a CRM and added credentials, you can click the Test Connection button at any point during the process to ensure your selected CRM remains connected.
1. Connect
Salesforce requires non-API users to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). We recommend creating and using a SalesForce API user to ensure there are no interruptions in your Salesforce integration. To learn more, visit the Salesforce Knowledge Base.
In the Select Your CRM field, choose the CRM - Salesforce or MS Dynamics.
Enter the credentials for your CRM account.
Click Next.
2. Select Funnel Type
Select your Funnel Type
Deal Registration
Lead Registration
Lead Distribution
Sync Sales Reps
Select your CRM Object Type
Select the type of object in the CRM that will be sent or get updated, for example Opportunity. The Object Type based on your Funnel Type Selection field shows the corresponding ZiftONE data item, with an arrow showing the direction of data transfer (based on the Funnel Type you selected)
If setting up a Sync Sales Reps funnel, choose Users.
Click Next.
3. Map Fields
Match the fields necessary to create a Deal, Lead or Sales Rep in your partner portal with fields from your CRM.
The first column, Field in your CRM, displays the fields from your CRM.
The second column shows if the field is Required or Optional and displays arrows that tell you whether the field is inbound or outbound.
Inbound fields ( ) are the fields in the CRM object that will be passed into the object in your partner portal.
Outbound fields () are the fields in the CRM object that will get updated with information from the partner portal.
The third column, Object Field, displays the fields from the object in your partner portal.
- Review the fields and make the mappings as required. Ensure that all Required fields have a mapping. Note: Many fields are automatically matched from your CRM into your partner portal.
- Select a field from the drop down list or check the Use default value instead option and manually enter a field name.
If the Object Field has possible values and the incoming field from your CRM doesn't match one of those values, that field will be skipped (but the object will import into this system). If the field is outgoing, this will result in an error and the sync for that item will fail.
Click Next.
4. Filter
Add optional data filters for any of the fields coming from your CRM. For example, you may only want to bring over any deals over a certain $ amount or only leads from a specific country.
Apply Filter
Click Add Filter Condition.
In the dropdown that appears, select the Field in your CRM that you'd like filter against.
Define the condition using these options:
- Equals
- Does Not Equal
- Contains
- Does Not Contain
Enter the Filter Value.
For example, Billing Country (Field in your CRM) Equals United States (Filter Value)
The Preview of the object type you selected will show you the records that match the filter condition(s) you specified above. If nothing is shown, check the condition you've set to make sure it is correct.
- To remove an existing filter, click the trashcan icon next to it in the list.
- Click Next.
5. Review
Review the settings you've made and confirm if they've been successful. A green tick shows for each step that's been completed correctly.
- The Pull data created/updated since date defaults to the date that the funnel was created. The funnel will pull in any items created in the CRM after that date. If you want to bring in existing data created or updated earlier, change the pull date by clicking Change and picking an earlier date.
Click Activate to start the automation process.
6. Complete
This step confirms that your Funnel setup is complete. Note that the label next to the title shows Running.
You can pause or resume the Funnel at any time.
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