Get Started Setting up Your Portal


In this article, find everything you need to complete the initial settings setup for your ZiftONE Partner Portal. These instructions will get you started with setting up your account. For further information about settings, see the articles linked in each section.

Before You Begin

Before you start your initial account setup, take a minute to read about the layout and navigation of your portal.

To open the settings menu, click the drop-down arrow next to your name in the page header and select Settings.

Get Started

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
Set up Your Company Profile Add Users and Assign Roles Set up Your Email Notifications Link Your Social Media Accounts Set up Analytics for Your Website Set up Your Suppression List Integrate Your CRM

1. Set up Your Company Profile

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Company Profile.
  3. Complete the Edit Company Details page with information such as company name, time zone, phone number, and address.
  4. Set your opt-in authorization settings. Check the box next to Opt-In Authorization is required for a contact to be sent an email.

  5. Set your Unsubscribe Options. Check the box next to Add Any Unsubscribes to Global Suppression List.
  6. Click Save.

In the Company Profile view, you can also set your partner fields. Under the name of your supplier’s partner center, select the regions, countries, languages, and other fields that apply to you. Click Save when you are finished.

2. Add Users and Assign Roles

Add New Users

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Manage Users.
  3. Click  New User.
  4. Complete the new user registration form.
  5. Assign roles to new users to determine their level of access in your portal.
  6. Click Save.

Assign or Change User Roles

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Manage Users.
  3. Click the name of a user in the list.
  4. Under Roles, check the box next to the roles this user should have.
  5. Click Save.

 Learn more about users at Manage Users.

3. Set up Your Email Notifications

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Notifications.
  3. Next to each user, set each notification type to On or Off.
    • Some notifications are scheduled to send instantly when an event occurs.
    • For some notifications, use the drop-down to select a send schedule of daily, weekly, or monthly, or click Send Now to send immediately.

 Learn more about each notification at About Notifications.

4. Link Your Social Media Accounts

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Social Media.
  3. Click Add Account.
  4. From the drop-down list, select the platform you want to connect.
  5. In the popup, log in to your social media account and set your account settings to allow access for ZiftONE.

 Learn more about connecting your social media accounts at Social Media Settings.

5. Set up Analytics for Your Website

If you operate a website for marketing purposes, add ZiftONE Analytics code to your website to track visitors using ZiftONE.

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Install Analytics.
  3. Copy the embed code.
  4. Add the code to the global footer on your website.
    • Click Email instructions to website administrator to send the code and installation instructions to another email address.

If you have the Analysis feature bundle enabled, you can monitor your website traffic right here in ZiftONE.

 Learn more about using website analytics with ZiftONE at Install Analytics Settings.

6. Set up Your Suppression List

The suppression list contains email addresses that are permanently excluded from your mailing lists and will not receive emails from you.

Add Domains to the Suppression List

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Suppression List.
  3. Click Add Domain.
  4. Input a domain (for example,
  5. Click Add Domain.

Add Emails to the Suppression List

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click Suppression List.
  3. Click Add Emails.
  4. From the drop-down, select Add Email to add a single address, or select File Import to import a list from an external file.
  5. If entering a single address, enter the email address and click Add Email.
  6. If adding from a list, click Browse to find your file and click Import when it loads.

 Learn more at Suppression List.

7. Integrate Your CRM

If you use a CRM or PSA to manage your contacts and leads, integrate it with your ZiftONE account to manage everything in one place.

  1. Open your settings menu.
  2. Click CRM Settings.
  3. If your CRM does not appear in the list, click Add new CRM integration and select your CRM from the drop-down.
  4. In the list of available CRMs, find your CRM and click Edit Settings.
  5. Provide information for the CRM settings and configure your CRM to integrate with ZiftONE.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the list of CRMs, find your CRM and click On to finish the activation.

Next Steps

With your account set up, you're ready to start using ZiftONE. Check out these other Get Started guides:

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