What is the Anti-Spam law?

What anti-spam laws should I be following?

You should be following the laws that apply to the country or region you are sending email to or from.

You must abide by the US's CAN-SPAM Act and Canada’s CASL Legislation. This is to ensure that major anti-spam laws are followed and you (and Zift Solutions) do not suffer the consequences of non-compliance. If you are sending email to other countries, you should abide by that country's/region's anti-spam laws.

The United States law CAN-SPAM was introduced in 2003 and sets the minimum legal standards for sending email campaigns.

The Canadian CASL was enforced from July 2014. The law protects people from unsolicited emails and strengthens good email marketing practices. Most of the factors help maintain high open rates and high engagement.

The law specifies three main areas of best email marketing practice:

  1. Mandatory physical address in emails
  2. Mandatory Unsubscribe link in emails
  3. Express opt-in to email lists

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