Adding Sales Reps

Set up a Sales Rep to work distributed leads and registered deals. A Sales Rep doesn't have access to the partner portal - they work their leads and deals via email, or in their CRM, as applicable.

  1. Navigate to portal_settings_icon.png > Settings.
  2. Select Sales Reps in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click New Sales Rep.

  4. In New Sales Rep,  provide this information as required:

    Parameter  Type  Description
    Email   Text  The email address serves as the primary identifier of a Sales Rep.
    First Name  Text   The Sales Rep's given name.  
    Last Name Text   The Sales Rep's family or surname.  
  5. Click Save. The new Sales Rep is listed in the Sales Reps list.

    To ensure that the Sales Rep gets notified of new leads, go to portal_settings_icon.png > Lead Management > Default Lead Notifications. For more information, see Lead Management.

    To add the Sales Rep as the default Sales Rep for new deals, go to portal_settings_icon.png > Deal Management > Default Sales Rep. For more information, see Deal Management.

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