To reformat your Deltek Vision CRM export so that you can successfully import contact lists into ZiftONE, please follow the steps below and upload the list:
- In Microsoft Excel, clear all formats by selecting Clear > Clear Formats (found under the Home > Edit menu option).
- Remove any contacts without an email address.
- Use text to columns feature in MS Excel to break up fields with multiple email addresses into single email addresses.
- Remove invalid email addresses using the Remove Duplicates feature in MS Excel (found under the Data menu option) to de-dupe list.
- Remove role based email addresses (admin@, infor@, etc.).
- Remove the line breaks on the header row. If the list does not upload, delete the header row and re-add it deleting all unnecessary columns.
After completing these steps and re-uploading the list, you will have reformatted your Deltek Vision CRM export.
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