Completing a User Achievement

Unlike activities such as Campaigns or Certifications, User Achievements do not have to be activated before completing them. Simply complete the specified task listed on the User Achievement to complete it and earn points.


You must complete an Achievement within its effective dates (if applicable) to get credit for it. If you complete a task for a User Achievement before the effective date has begun, it will not count towards the User Achievement.

Once you complete the specified task(s), you can return to the User Achievements page. You should see the completed User Achievement in color, with the points you’ve earned by completing it added to your total earned points. You can filter the list by Achievement Status = Completed if required.

If the Achievement doesn’t show as completed, click Sync Progress to refresh the page.


You will also receive a message in your partner portal confirming that you have completed a User Achievement and earned the specified number of points. Click your profile icon then select Messages to see all your recent messages. Filter the inbox by Message Type = Achievement if necessary.

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