Manage Deals


This feature is optional.  The Deal Registration functionality is highly configurable and you should work with your supplier to achieve your goals.


Deal registration is a mechanism to allow you to tell suppliers when you have identified and are developing a new deal. A deal is similar to an opportunity but packaged with more detail such as an explicit budget, time frame, requirements, and an identified contact who has the authority to finalize the transaction. 

As a partner, you can manage Deal Registration as described below.

Before You Begin

You will only be able to register deals if the supplier has made the Deals feature page available in the partner portal. 

Intended Audience: Channel Sales Director & Channel Operations Managers.


Click on the + to expand the instructions for the desired task.

Register a New Deal

You register a deal in ZiftONE partner portal.  This procedure helps you to enter the relevant information and assign the deal to a supplier. Once the deal is submitted you can edit it.

  1. Navigate to one of these paths:

    • Deals > Register New Deal
    • Contacts > Registered Marketing Lead > New Deal
    • Leads > Distributed Leads > select the Distributed Lead > New Deal
    • Leads > Registered Leads > select the Registered Lead > New Deal
    • Leads > Add Opportunity > select the Opportunity  > Register New Deal
  2. [Optional] Select a Deal Type from the dropdown list (if enabled). By selecting the Deal Type, you may be asked to complete Custom Fields that gather different components of the deal such as contacts.
  3. Provide the following information about the deal:

    Parameter  Type  Description
    Deal Name Text  A user-friendly identifier that distinguishes this deal from others in a list. Make the name unique to reduce the chance of creating duplicate records. 
    Account Text 

    [Optional] The customer account purchasing this deal.

    Select an account from the list or type in the name to be shown suggestions.

    If the account you are looking for does not exist, you can submit an account request. 

    When viewing the Deal, click the View link to access details of a linked account.

    Currency Dropdown list

    The currency for the sale.

    Your supplier controls what currencies are made available to you.
    Quantity Number

    [Optional] The number of units required. 

    Pricebook Dropdown list

    [Optional] The pricebook that includes the line items for this deal. 

    Select a pricebook from the list or type in the name to be shown suggestions.

    When you add line items to the deal, you can select items from the linked pricebook, and the relevant quantity included in the sale. The prices you select are retained for the lifecycle of the deal.

    If your supplier subsequently updates their pricebook, only new items added to the deal will show new unit prices. Any line items already in the deal will not be affected.

    Total Value  Number [Optional] The total expected value of the deal.
    Estimated Close Date Date Selector  The date on which you expect the deal to be finalized.
    Stage Dropdown List

    The deal's current stage in the sales process, for example Closed Won.

    Select a stage from the list or type in the name to be shown suggestions.

    Probability %  Number

    [Optional] How far in the deal negotiations this deal has progressed, expressed as a percentage. A higher value indicates the deal is closer to closing. 

    This value is populated with the default probability value of the specified Stage, but you can change it if required.

    Sales Rep Dropdown List

    The Sales Rep associated with the deal.

    Notifications relating to this deal will be sent to the selected Sales Rep.

    • The Sales Rep for the deal defaults to the user who is creating the deal in the partner account.
    • You can change the assigned Sales Rep by choosing a new one from the list. 
    • The Sales Rep can be pulled to Salesforce as the Contact Sales Rep on the Opportunity if you have an integration. Sales Rep is not editable in Salesforce. 
    Description Text  [Optional] Provide additional details, such as what the deal will include or require. For example, if you know how many units of a particular product will be purchased through this deal, provide this information for the supplier. 
    Custom Fields Various

    Custom Fields are custom data items that your supplier wants to collect from you.

    The fields available here vary by supplier.

    Attachments File Upload

    The files attached to the deal. Both you and your supplier can upload and access these files.

    • Up to 10 files can be uploaded per deal.
    • Each file must be 50MB or less.
    • Supported file types include .doc, .docx, .txt, .csv, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xls, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .ods, .odt, .odp, .odg, .ics, .rtf, and .mp4

    Your supplier decides whether/how they want you to supply additional information about the deal - they will specify one of these options:

    • Attachments are required - you can't submit a deal if it doesn't have an attachment
    • Attachments are optional
    • Only suppliers can include attachments - any attachments on a deal will be read only, and you're not permitted to submit your own
  4. Click one of the following:
    • Cancel - Leave the page without saving.
    • Save as Draft - Save the deal as a draft in your workspace and return to complete it later. Deal Name is the only required field for a draft deal.
    • Save and Add Line Items - Itemize the details of the deal. Note that line items are not available in all instances.
  5.  Click Submit Deal to send the deal registration request to your supplier for approval. All supplier-defined required fields must be populated to submit the deal.

The deal is listed with its current status in the Deals list on the Deals page. The status updates as the deal progresses through its lifecycle. You can also see the deal's status next to its name in the Deal Details screen.

Edit a Deal Registration

You can edit a deal in your partner portal.  Adding/updating information and saving the deal will not change its current status.


Note: You're not permitted to edit a deal if it's at Closed Lost or Closed Won stage.

  1. Navigate to the Deals page. 
  2. Find the deal you want to edit, and click on it to open it.
  3. Click Edit Deal to open the Edit Deal screen.
  4. Make the required changes.

    If you're adding new line items to a deal linked to a pricebook, their unit price may be different to existing entries for the same item. If a supplier updates a pricebook, this does not affect items that are already included in a deal.

  5. Click one of the following:
    • Cancel - Leave the page without saving your changes
    • Save - Update the deal

Submit a Draft Deal Registration

You have the option to save a deal registration as a draft, to keep it in your workspace but not submit it until you've finished working on it. Once it's ready, you complete the deal registration process by submitting the draft to the supplier for their approval.

  1. Navigate to the Deals page. 
  2. Find the draft deal you want to edit - it might be useful to use the Status filter at the side of the page to only display deals of Status = Draft.
  3. Click on the deal to open it.
  4. If you need to finish the deal details, or if any of the required fields haven't been completed, click Edit Deal to make the required changes.
  5. When all the information is ready, click Submit Deal. The deal is submitted to your supplier, and its status changes to Pending.

Delete a Draft Deal Registration

If you've saved a deal registration as a draft, you can delete it. This option is available for deals you've created yourself - you can't delete other users' deals.

  1. Navigate to the Deals page. 
  2. Find the draft deal you want to edit - it might be useful to use the Status filter at the side of the page to only display deals of Status = Draft.
  3. Click on the deal to open it.
  4. Click Delete. The deal is removed from your account.

Manage Contacts for a Deal Registration

You can add, delete, or review contact information associated with the deal registration. If your system is integrated with Salesforce, this field can auto-populate.

  1. Navigate to the Deals page. 
  2. Find the deal you want to edit, and click on it to open it.
  3. In the Contacts area, do one of the following:

    • Click Add a Contact - The Add a Contact window opens, listing all the contacts you have available. Search for a contact and click Add to link them to the deal. Repeat for other contacts as necessary, then click Save to complete the action. 
    • Review a contact's information - Click the name of the contact to view their details, including lead information and contact score.
    • Delete a contact - Click the X next the contact you want to delete. 

Add Custom Information to a Deal Registration

Your supplier might provide custom sections for you to fill in when managing a deal. For example, they might want you to maintain a history of the interactions you’ve had with a customer while prospecting/securing the deal.


You can add multiple instances of the information to a deal registration and they will be retained with the deal through its lifecycle.

  1. Navigate to the Deals page. 
  2. Find the deal you want to edit, and click on it to open it.
  3. Scroll down to the section to which you want to add an entry.
  4. Click Add Item.
  5. Complete the fields provided by your supplier.
  6. Click Save. The entry is listed in the relevant section in the deal, along with others that have been added previously (if applicable).

Customizing your View of Custom Information Submissions

If your supplier's added forms for custom information to deals, you can decide which fields from each custom information type you want to see in the list of submissions in the deal, and the order in which they should be shown. For example, the screenshot below shows the listing for custom Supplemental Deal Info set up to show the Name and Created fields:

  1. In the section for the custom information submissions, click the Column Configuration button.


  2. In Configure Columns, arrange the fields you want to see in the listing:
    • Use the + and - buttons to move fields between Included (in the listing) and Excluded (not in the listing).
    • Drag and drop the fields in Included into the required order.


  3. Click Save.

Status in Deal Registration Process

ZiftONE indicates the current status of a deal in the registration lifecycle. These statuses are available:

Status Description

You've started to prepare the deal but have saved it as a draft to work on and submit later. 


You've submitted the deal and it's waiting for supplier approval.


Your supplier has approved the deal.


Your supplier has rejected the deal.


Your supplier has expired the deal.

This usually means that the deal is no longer valid - for example, the pricebook is no longer available or the expected timeframe in which the supplier expects you to work the deal has come to an end.

Account Pending

You've submitted the deal and requested a new account for the customer.

Your supplier needs to approve/reject both the deal and the account request. 

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