Upcoming Posts is where you can view all the posts that have dates associated with them.
- Library posts that you have selected and scheduled
- Supplier-provided posts from the Social Feed that need approval before sending
- Posts that you have already approved
- Posts you have created yourself
To open your list of scheduled posts, navigate to Social Media > Upcoming Posts.
On the Upcoming Posts page, you can do the following:
- Create posts for your social media accounts. For more information, see Create your Own Social Posts.
- View the social media calendar.
- Search by keyword for social media posts.
Filter the view by social network: X, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
Filters are based on the platforms you have connected to your account.
Filter the view by tag (topic): tags are defined by your supplier.
Filters are based on the tags assigned to posts in the list.
- Select a post to add or change content, post images, use a social form for contact information, schedule, or approve.
- Select multiple posts to approve or delete in bulk. You will not be able to bulk delete posts that you have already approved.
- Edit an individual post.
- Remove an individual post.
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