- Browsers in ZiftONE?
- What languages are supported in ZiftONE?
- What file types are supported for file uploads?
- How long do I have before I am logged out of ZiftONE if I am inactive during my session?
- Why did I not receive the ZiftONE Password Reset email?
- How can I enable customers to add an event to their calendar?
- What is the purpose of My Plan in ZiftONE and how does it work?
- How do I install my analytics embed code if I have a Wordpress site built in PHP?
- How do I search in ZiftONE?
- Why can't I sign in to my account?
- Why am I unable to manage users even though I'm an Administrator?
- Why do my pages show old data?
- When does Zift perform system maintenance and will I be notified?
- Is Zift Solutions a Data Processor?
- How can I get a signed Terms of Service from Zift Solutions?
- What types of data/content flow between the Apps and ZiftONE?
- What Apps does Zift Solutions currently support?